content marketing works, giveaway marketing, content marketing hacksIf you aren’t using content marketing, you don’t matter. Period.

The Sweet Spot

When was the last time you typed in a specific URL and went to a specific website to do business with them? Probably no time soon, right? When was the last time you did business with someone you had only just heard of? It’s probably been a while, right?

Between these two extremes that no business should be at, there is a sweet spot. And this is where you should be if you want to actually matter or make any money with your business.

The fact is, people don’t typically go out and find a business to buy from. They are marketed to in a way that suits their fancy, so to speak, and doesn’t set off their “pitch” alert (everyone has a radar that detects a sales pitch, don’t deny it). On the other end, no one likes to do business with someone they don’t know or trust at all. Typically, for a business to land a sale, they need to have some level of authority, credibility, or familiarity.

Content marketing is the sweet spot between these two extremes that makes people BUY from you. And this is basic Public Relations 101. If people don’t know and respect you, they won’t do business with you. On the other hand, if they always see you pitching your stuff, they’ll walk.

What is Content Marketing?

content marketing, lead generation content, blogging lead generationIf you want to sell, then you want your target demographic to routinely see you freely contributing to the conversation of life in such a way that adds value, builds credibility, and sometimes even entertains them. At no time should you be either the pushy car salesman or the apathetic sales clerk filing her nails behind a desk. Be engaged, but don’t be pushy. Be helpful.

But how am I supposed to make money if I’m just giving away free help?

Simple. As we’ve already discussed, people buy from those they know and trust. And that’s why content marketing is king. If you build trust with free content, people will listen to you and follow your recommendations. When you do occasionally throw a pitch their way, it won’t be white noise – it will be valuable insights like everything else they see and hear from you.

For best results, utilize all of these forms of content marketing:

  • Quote Graphics: On social media, no one reads text anymore. They look for images. So put inspirational or helpful quotes over a beautiful backdrop.
  • Blogging: Regularly blog on topics that your target demographic is asking about. This also builds SEO.
  • Video: This is the big one – with superior conversion power and connection potential, video content is instantly trusted and absorbed.
  • Podcasts: Think of this as blogging for people who don’t like to read!

Start handing out content as a favor for your customers, and you will be amazed what favors they will do for you!

Speaking of which, can you do me a favor? If you found this blog to be helpful, share it right now!