Alternative Social Media Sites

Facebook’s latest report shows the social media giant has lost over 2 million users in the US and Canada during Q3 2020. And it’s no surprise. With big tech platforms actively censoring speech, risking user privacy, and tightly controlling newsfeeds, many users feel the authenticity and a level playing field has been lost.

And it’s not just routine users. Businesses are leaving, as well. With organic reach hitting all-time lows and authentic interactions with brand followers becoming less frequent, many in the business world are turning to lesser known social media platforms to promote their brands and creative solutions.

So, just what are these alternatives to the social media giants like Facebook and Twitter?

Let’s go through the four most popular alternatives to the social media giants, and explore how they work, which established platforms they are most similar to, and the potential they hold for businesses in a much more diversified social media landscape.

1. Parler = Twitter

Parler Social Media

Founded back in 2018, Parler has seen huge growth in its user base over the last 12 months and now has over 8 million users. In fact, in the last few weeks, Parler has been the most downloaded app for both android and iPhone users!

Parler Downloads


Parler offers a very familiar experience for anyone that has used Twitter. You can follow and engage with other users and publish your own public posts.

When it comes to social media marketing, there are currently no paid ads. The best way to use this platform is to build an organic audience or to partner with influencers in your niche. Much of the same Twitter marketing hacks can be used on Parler.

This is how Parler plans to make money in the future – connecting influencers with brands for a fee. However, the advertising model is still in the beta stage, so you’ll need to seek out influencers on your own for now.

Parler has a lot of promise, and it could be worth getting on board early and building an audience before the competition heats up.

2. MeWe = Facebook

MeWe Social Meida

Launched back in 2016, MeWe is home to millions who have ditched Facebook for the ad-free alternative social media site. It’s advised by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the internet as we know it, and is estimated to reach a user base of 40 million by the end of 2020.

MeWe sits behind Parler in second place for the most downloaded social media app in November, but is far and away the biggest direct competitor to Facebook among English speakers.

Top Social Apps


There’s a lot of similarities to Facebook, but with a much greater focus on data security. No paid ads, no data mining, and no algorithms manipulating what you see in your news feed.

For businesses, that means there might be opportunity similar to the early years of Facebook before paid ads took over and organic reach nosedived. Already, businesses are setting up company pages and groups much like Facebook’s, and connecting with followers in a more intimate and straightforward way.

You can build an audience by posting engaging content, creating a group for your industry, and contributing to relevant groups containing users that might be interested in your products and services.

3. Vero = Instagram

Vero Social Media

Vero’s tagline is “more social, less media.”

Launched back in 2015, it currently has around 3 million users. The platform has seen a steep rise in popularity over the last couple of months.

Vero Rise in Popularity


It’s designed to be an ad-free alternative to Instagram, with no data mining and increased protection of its users’ data. But the platform has a lot in common with YouTube, as well as Instasgram.

Vero users can share videos, images, text posts, and music. A key difference with Instagram is the ability to add links to your posts – a feature many Instagram users will love. Brands can also pay a fee to add a “Buy Now” button to their posts on Vero, so the potential for social media marketing is vast.

While there is currently no paid advertising, Vero does offer an opportunity to build an authentic connection with your audience and increase your reach by leveraging influencers in your niche. The graphic interface is sleek and user friendly, and they remain to providing the level playing field many users crave in alternative social media sites.

Although it’s user base is relatively small at this point, it’s worth checking out and building a following on.

4. Ello = Pinterest

Ello Social Media

The oldest alternative social media site on the list is Ello. Launched back in 2014, it was created to be an ad-free alternative to Facebook. But it has much in common with Pinterest.

The creators’ manifesto states:

“We believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment, not a tool to deceive, coerce, and manipulate – but a place to connect, create, and celebrate life.”

As of 2020, Ello has around 1 million users. It’s seen a boost in popularity over the last few months, but that strong growth seems to have levelled off recently.

Ello Social Media Popularity


Ello has recently pivoted to a more Pinterest style platform. There’s a lot of photography, art, fashion, and craft-focused posts.

There are no paid ads. That means you need to be more creative with your marketing and focus on building an organic following. For example, you could create a video series showing how your products are made.

Ello has a similar audience to Pinterest. If you’ve had some success there, it’s worth taking a look at Ello as an alternative social media channel to promote your products and services.

Next-Gen Alternative Social Media Sites

Check out the alternative social media sites above and see how your target audience is using the platform. All successful social media marketing strategies start with listening to your audience.

If your audience is using the platform, start small, and grow your presence to gain a following and reach new customers.

It’s worth remembering that you can repurpose any content you create for social media. No rules are stopping you from using the content and posts you have used elsewhere. These alternative social media platforms offer a chance to start over in a sense, and re-write the rules.

Have you or your business tried out any of these alternatives? Let us know in the comments which one is your favorite or if we should have included any others on this list!