linkedin-1007071_960_720LinkedIn is an awesome social media tool for entrepreneurs and business people to build their online empire. It is the best professional social networking tool available to date since its launch way back in 2003. To leverage the full potential of LinkedIn, the first and foremost thing you need to do is to optimize your profile.

In our earlier post, we covered in detail How to rock social media like a pro. Today we are going to cover five tips to optimize your profile and in turn, bring in business via LinkedIn.

1. Uniformity

You need to maintain a uniform profile across all the platforms, both online or offline, to get your business noticed. Make sure all your social media profiles have a similar look and feel. It’s an excellent way to tell people that you have a brand. Also, it will help them to identify the correct page that is owned by you.

2. Completenesssocial media tree

If you want to use LinkedIn for business, make sure you have filled out all the input fields. Use LinkedIn’s profile completion tips, if you missed something. Add descriptions, banners, and logo that represent your business. Proofread your profile description to avoid any grammar errors or spelling mistakes. To thrive in your market, tell people exactly what you are and what you are offering. Don’t give false promises just for the sake of getting leads. Also, add all your connections to your profile, like your Facebook page, Twitter, or your website. It will help people reach you in many different ways.

3. URL Customization

The default URL generated by LinkedIn is full of alphanumeric characters, and it’s hard to remember. This is the address of your store. People need to save it in their mind. So, customize the URL to have your brand name in it or, at least, similar to it.

4. Profile Picture

Having a good profile picture is an excellent way to impress people and to build their trust. For instance, if you are a CEO of a company, you need to have a professional photograph of yourself. Under no circumstances should you upload a selfie you have taken with your friends during your last trip.

SEO, linkedin optimization, social media optimization tips5. App Utilization

Use the apps by LinkedIn to get your profile to the next level. Adding apps like WordPress, Legal updates, SlideShare presentations, etc. to your profile can be a great way to utilize the full power of LinkedIn. For example, adding SlideShare presentations to your profile will help you upload presentations directly to your profile for enhanced SEO value and credibility. Using the WordPress app, you can synchronize your blog post with the LinkedIn profile.

With these LinkedIn profile optimization tips, you are ready to build your professional empire. If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, feel free to comment them below. You can also share any optimization tips you find useful.