pr, press release, meeting

Press releases are as important to long-term business success as they were when first introduced in 1955. There are few communications tools more potent for getting your story out than a well-written press release. But the trick to getting value out of a powerful press release is in understanding what it must and must not include. Let’s look at the ingredients list.

Understand the Purpose

The purpose of a powerful press release is not to sell or advertise, but to inform and motivate. This objectiveness is one reason they are so effective. One of the surest ways to have your release rejected by an editor is to use sales language or promotional terms. Stay away from hyperbole, and think from the editor’s perspective. The editor wants something newsy, informative, and relevant to the geographic area or subject niche. If your release gets picked up, that is free publicity – providing you save the marketing copy for elsewhere.

Lead Strong

The most important part of your release is the beginning. Lead with a strong and catchy title that is both informative and compelling. Each word should earn your reader’s attention for at least another word. With literally thousands and thousands of releases going out daily, it is imperative that you STAND OUT. After your title is the lead. The lead is the first paragraph (often a single sentence), in which all the pertinent information is provided. Don’t be stingy with your info. Every vital part of your message should be contained in that lead, so that, if that is as far as the reader gets, they have the story.

Proofread It Again

A powerful press release is flawless. A single typo or grammatical mistake can detract from the impact of your message. In fact, many releases are rejected because of one small typo. There is simply no excuse for a typo in a press release. Put at least two sets of eyes on it, and then go over it again.

Compel with Quotes

Providing quotes from relevant spokesmen or players will save the editor the trouble of doing an interview while still providing them with that inside angle. And here’s a little trick: quotes are the one and only place where biased language is even remotely tolerated. Keep it limited, but allow your spokesman to be exuberant and enthusiastic if the occasion calls for it. Compel the reader. Convince them that your story is important and impactful.

Social media apps - With new Google logoStrategically Distribute

Twenty years ago, the only distribution option was to try to get past a journalist. And a powerful press release has the potential of being picked up widely. But why not do a little distribution of your own? With the advent of social media, powerful press releases can be strategically inserted into the public dialogue directly. Choose your placement and timing carefully, and it just might go viral.

A well-placed press release can build credibility and drive interest for your solutions. Don’t approach this public-relations tool haphazardly. With professional writing, careful editing, and strategic placement, your business can make bold statements that motivate your audience and effectively communicate the worth of your business.

Do your colleagues want to know how to write a powerful press release? Share this with them! And contact us for additional help crafting your next powerful press release!