Public relations is an extremely misunderstood business function, and yet it also contains the key to ongoing business success. So just what is PR? Let’s take a brief look at specific examples to describe how it can benefit your business…
Sometimes it’s nice to have some POWER, right? It’s nice to be able to hack the system and get something out of social media that most people don’t know about. Here are some powerful social media hacks you’re going to want in on.
There are a lot of people who completely misunderstand the purpose of social media for business and thus lose out on its unique advantages. It’s not just about selling and advertising online. It’s far more!
Everyone has a blog. Everyone. And that’s why yours’ never gets read. It’s not enough to bang out a few paragraphs, slap a title on it, and then post it to your WordPress site. You need something more. You need to know how to write professionally. You need to incorporate a few tricks from the experts.
Today, the success of a business often comes down to how successfully they communicate their worth online through interacting on social media. The problem is, many businesses are shooting themselves in the foot by making these all-too-common, deadly mistakes…
Every successful business has a carefully crafted brand that customers connect with effortlessly. With some dedication to detail and a few key insights, your brand can dominate the competition. Here’s what you need to know…
Every so often, a new fad takes the world by storm only to fade away just as quickly. But occasionally, one of those fads turns out to actually be a game-changing cash cow for those who pick up on its potential early. Pokémon GO is that game changer.
There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). But the surprising reality is, successful SEO doesn’t have to be mysterious or even complicated – if you have these two simple ingredients…
You need to drive traffic to your sites, and you know “content is king.” But have you put any thought into visual content and how to leverage this marketing strategy to bring in the kind of traffic you need? Let’s take a look at three of the best visual content tricks being used today…
The importance of email in the modern workplace cannot be overstated. Research shows that the average professional in the US spends 25% of their employed time reading, sorting, and writing emails. In order to improve your communication and always project credibility and competence, watch out for these ten, common email etiquette mistakes…