Great leaders capitalize on key communication secrets to inspire their teams, navigate business deals, and grow their personal stock. Without this competitive edge, they would be just another manager. Curious what those secrets are and how they can transform your ability to lead? Read on.
Last month, Instagram hit one billion users and announced their new platform, IGTV. This is sure to be a completely new format for video content that brands should take advantage of while the field is open. What is IGTV? And how can brands capitalize on IGTV? Stay tuned; here’s what you need to know.
Having a great website and plenty of good content isn’t always enough. If you really want to get a leg up on the competition and get ranked in Google, you need backlinking. But what is backlinking? And do backlinks really work?
Perhaps you’re holding out for someone to give you very clear and concrete reasons to get serious about social media for business purposes. Maybe you see it as frivolous or a poor investment. But as it turns out, while there are many who still haven’t figured it out, there are very specific problems a robust and strategic social media presence solves.
When looking for a good logo design, most business owners think it just has to “look good.” What they fail to understand is the psychology behind an effective logo. By keeping simple branding principles in mind, anyone can arrive at a killer logo that looks good and communicates their brand message in a unique and powerful way.
So you want to know how to build a WordPress website. You go to Google and type in “How to build a WordPress website” and get overwhelmed by all the options out there. What is a domain name? What is web hosting? Should you go with Wordpress? Wix? We are about to delve into the world of website building and answer all those questions in a simple, easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide.
You’ve heard it before – if you’re in business, you need a blog. But do you have the right business blog strategy to take your business to the stars? Or is your approach to blogging destined to fail miserably and waste you time and money in the process? Sit up and pay attention! Here’s how to tell if your blog can take you where you want to go or not.
Content marketing is hot. And without a steady stream of content engaging your audience and positioning your brand authority, you could get left behind. Not sure how to create consistent blog content? Why not start a podcast? It’s one of the smartest moves you can make for 2018!
Thinking about outsourcing your blog writing? Good for you! Blog content is so important. And so is the ability to delegate this task to a skilled writer who will generate traffic and build brand authority. But lookout for pitfalls! Outsourcing blog writing can be tricky. Here’s exactly what you need to know.
Twitter is of course vital to a vibrant social media strategy. And whether you’ve got it down or are learning the ropes, more info is always a good thing. Keep these Twitter hacks in your back pocket for when you need them most.